Dear Santa,
Christmas is near! And I have very eagerly compiled my Christmas Wishlist :)
1. As previously mentioned, I would love Eleanor Herman's book Sex with the Queen. Anne Boleyn gets a big mention in the blurb, so what wouldn't there be to like? ;)

2. The Tudors DVD set. Either of just Season 4, or the big box set goodness you can get. I'm forever lending my own DVD copies out to others, so it seems only right that I have two copies of them all :D

3. An iPhone. Yes, I wanna join the bandwagon. To be fair though, my ipod (which lasted me an amazing 6 years) and phone are either dead and/or dying. And you can play Sneezies on the iPhone. And Words. And that Fruit Ninja game. And oh god how I hate myself now. But I want one!

4. A nice, preferably built-in, desk with shelves. My current desk is the size of a large beast - and that's largely the problem. I want shelves to show off my ever-growing book and teapot collections. Right now, nothing fits. So let's start from scratch and do it all over again, please!

5. A romantic holiday down the beach with my beloved boyfriend. I missed out on an earlier holiday down the beach this year because of my huge uni demands and I want to make up for it now! So give me some relaxing sunlight, ice cream and laughter and I'm yours.

With much love, hugs, cookies and kisses,
Amy xoxo
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