And how can I tell? Why, I finished a book!

Sex With Kings
Eleanor Herman
2004 HarperCollins
I have been reading this book for a long time. Or rather, I started it last holidays, was forced to put it down to complete my 24 assignments and only just finished it. And it is awesome!
At first I was a little put off by a few things. Firstly, Eleanor Herman is a journalist, not a historian. Secondly, I was hoping for more of my beloved Henry VIII's wives; particularly Anne Boleyn. And finally, I was slightly confused while reading it. See, each chapter is based on a theme, rather than giving narrative biographies of royal mistresses. With the book centering largely on around a small selection of women (largely, but not limited to: Madame de Pompadour, Madame du Barry, Marquise de Montespan, Lady Castlemine, Nell Gwynn), it seemed thematic approach lost some of the details of the lives of these lavish ladies.
However, after letting go of my grudges, I found the book to read like a juicy juicy gossipy book. I couldn't help but love it and become sucked into these different worlds. More than once I longly thought to myself 'oh, if only I could become the king's mistress!' The dresses, the jewels, the extravagance and scandal! Wow. Definitely worth a fun and exciting read :)
I was touring Borders trying to scout out a good book on Anne Boleyn (anyone got any suggestions?) when I found that Eleanor Herman has also written a book Sex with Queens. That is most definitely on my Christmas Wishlist!

Check out this website for more info.
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