Today's been bit of a whirlwind, up, down, here, there and everywhere kind of day. So let's just finish it off with a few of my favourite things to take me away to sweet dreams :)
RanunculusThey are such happy, bubbly, cheerful flowers. Just looking at them is an instant pick-me-up :D My garden will be full of these :)

I can't wait to have my own garden :D
Lori Earley

Stumbled across her in an oddball magazine at an oddball shop (aren't they the best kind?). I love all the emotion she captures in her images, with the hint of quirky-ness and for some reason slightly reminds me of some of those great portraits of ye ole times.
All with a dash of Vogue. Loves it :)
Darrell Lea Hazelnut ChocolateHazelnuts in chocolate has to be one of the best inventions ever made. They are like icing on cupcakes, spring time with butterflies, fairies with mermaids. It was meant to be.
I have searched, and tasted, far and wide all kinds of chocolate. So far, the chocolate that wins my hazelnut chocolate heart is Darrell Lea's Chunky Hazelnut Chocolate. It is soooooooo good and the chocolate so perfectly smooth that they only make it in winter because it cannot handle the heat. Yes, summer is going to be long and cruel, but knowing that my hazelnut chocolate is just around the corner couldn't make me any happier :D
Courtney Brims(aka, I love my new t-shirt)

I was forced into a surfy shop the other day and surprisingly found something I liked! So with a two-for-$40 deal (when one shirt is usually $40 anyway), I couldn't resist. Besides, I'd already fallen in love with the white singlet shirt with this image on it:
Apparently all Courtney Grim's artwork is done in pencil and inspired by a mix of Grimm Brother's fairytales, Victorian Illustration and Tim Burton. Perfect mix, wouldn't you say? :D Check out her website for more beautiful works:
A Good BookshopYou know what I'm talking about. There's a beauty in those perfect bookshops which don't have all the Top 100 Books or don't stock the Penguin Classics with that ghastly orange, cream and black text covers. Instead, these bookshops have interesting, off-the-beaten-track books that would get lost in a bookstore like Borders and ignored by a store like Collins. Found two such bookshops today in the city. I can't wait to go back. As soon as you walk in the door and start browsing the titles you can't help but feel a calmness wash over you.

My future library. Once I move into Beauty & the Beasts' castle.
Who wouldn't die for that library??