Monday, March 21, 2011

Prouder. Again.

Check out what arrived in the mail today...

Booyah! Yep, it's a fancy bit of paper that says "Fuck Yeah! You're a teacher now!"

I didn't bother getting my certificate for my Bachelor of Arts framed. Nor did I bother with the professional photographs on the night. I didn't really work hard for my Bachelor of Arts. I just did it and got out. But this one is different.

I slaved my butt off for this one. I cried my eyes out and I stressed until the stress ball popped. And I loved it all. So this one is getting framed.


  1. YAY!! Congrats :) :) Great to hear all that hard work has paid off!!

  2. WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! Big, Massive, huge congratulations!

  3. wow congrats! i can imagine the stress involved in doing that course..especially at melbourne!!


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